3 to read: The revolution will be immersive | Engagement: Learning from churches & book clubs | Society news was the old Facebook

Matt Carroll
3 to read
Published in
2 min readSep 30, 2017

By Matt Carroll <@MattCData>

Sept. 30, 2017: Cool stuff about journalism, once a week. Get notified via email? Subscribe: 3toread (at) gmail. Originally published on 3toread.co

  1. The revolution will be immersive: An interesting piece about where journalism is headed. A couple of thought leaders at the AP, Francesco Marconi, a strategy manager, and Taylor Nakagawa, an emerging media fellow, say the future of journalism is 3D and AR, writes Sophia Fox-Sowell for Storybench. They’ve published a guide for newsrooms: “The age of dynamic storytelling: a guide for journalists to immersive 3-D content.” It’s a tectonic shift for consumers. Instead of passively looking at photos or reading text, consumers are now challenged to “explore and create their own narratives.” Interesting stuff.

2. What newsrooms can learn about engagement from churches & book clubs: In an era of disruption, newsrooms are struggling to understand the new rules of engagement and how to build community. Ruth Tupe for The Membership Puzzle Project argues that news needs to look and learn from different organizations that vary as widely as coworking space and art museums. After all, many types of organizations have been asking themselves the same questions for years, while newsrooms are only getting started. Cool tips and anecdotes about what has worked.

3. Before Facebook was Facebook, society columns provided news — and community: Newspapers tended to shrug off the society columns as filler for somewhere in the back pages. But Sam Ford for CJR writes a wonderful ode to what is a disappearing piece of newspaper’s past. But those columns, write Ford, were important in ways maybe the page one editors never understood — they provided place and community for so many readers. (Sam should know. He took over his grandmother’s column at the ripe old age of 12.)

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Matt Carroll teaches journalism at Northeastern University.



Matt Carroll
3 to read

Journalism prof at Northeastern University. Ran Future of News initiative at the MIT Media Lab; ex-Boston Globe data reporter & member of Spotlight