3 to read: Journalism’s new opp: Quality | Failing with Instant Articles | Facebook denies what it is

Matt Carroll
3 to read
Published in
2 min readApr 23, 2017

By Matt Carroll <@MattCData>

April 25, 2017: Cool stuff about journalism, once a week. Get notified via email? Subscribe: 3toread (at) gmail.

Image: Leigh Carroll (Instagram: @leighzaah)
  1. In a new journalism era, quality is key: Online news has quickly cycled through a number of eras — portals, search, and social, each with its own winners and losers, argues David Skok on Medium. Now, he says, we are entering a new era where journalism will be paid for by readers, for readers. It’s a great opportunity for newsrooms that produce quality journalism and can build tight bonds with their readers. An interesting take.
  2. What went wrong with Instant Articles: Instant Articles was ballyhooed by Facebook as a great innovation for news publishers — big revenue and readership were expected. But two years in, news publishers have found that neither has happened, and organizations from the New York Times to Vice News have given it up. A nice “what went wrong” piece by Casey Newton for The Verge.
  3. Facebook denies what it is & its responsibilities: It’s time Facebook figured out they are a media company, and with that comes tremendous responsibility, argues Margaret Sullivan for the WaPo, pointing to the recent murder on Facebook Live. Yet the company, with 2 billion users, keeps its head firmly in the sand, denying the obvious even to itself. That has to change, she writes. A good read.

Extra: A conference on ‘Conversations’: The Northeastern U conference on “Conversations” focused on how the media can build bridges to fragmented communities. A short video about the day.

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Matt Carroll is a journalism professor at Northeastern University.



Matt Carroll
3 to read

Journalism prof at Northeastern University. Ran Future of News initiative at the MIT Media Lab; ex-Boston Globe data reporter & member of Spotlight