3 to read: Solutions journalism at its best | NPR guide to immersive storytelling | Life after tronc

Matt Carroll
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2 min readJun 30, 2018

By Matt Carroll <@MattCData>

June 30, 2018: Cool stuff about journalism, once a week. Get notified via email? Subscribe: 3toread (at) gmail. Originally published on 3toread.co

  1. Solutions journalism at its best: News outlets join forces to track down children separated from their parents: There’s a lot of talk about solutions journalism. This is a great example. A bunch of very different news sites — BuzzFeed, ProPub, The Intercept, Univision, and others — are joining together to get information about children separated from their parents by the US. They are doing this by asking for tips from readers. It’s a great idea. Let’s hope we see more of this outside the box thinking.

NPR’s guide to building immersive storytelling projects: Storytelling is getting more complicated — more newsroom players, more tools, greater impact. Yet the process for building the stories is different at every news organization, and sometimes from story to story, as people struggle to create new storytelling systems. NPR is working to create a replicable system for storytelling. Here’s how they do it. Good stuff by Wesley Lindamood of NPR’s Digital Content Team.

3. Life after tronc: Norman Pearlstine’s plans for the LA Times: Pearlstine has cred. And the 75-year-old veteran of Time and the WSJ, among other newsrooms, will need every crumb of it as he takes over a newsroom that was shaken to the roots by the awful management of tronc (which gets my vote for dumbest news name ever). Pearlstine comes across as the right guy for the next few years, careful about what he is promising but stressing quality journalism. Hopefully he, and the LA Times, do well. An interesting interview by Shaya Tayefe Mohajer for CJR.

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Matt Carroll, a former member of the Boston Globe Spotlight team, teaches journalism at Northeastern University. Twitter: @MattCData. Instagram: mattcarroll54.

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Matt Carroll
3 to read

Journalism prof at Northeastern University. Ran Future of News initiative at the MIT Media Lab; ex-Boston Globe data reporter & member of Spotlight