‘Conversations’ conference: How can the media build bridges to fragmented communities?

Tweeting the story of conference

Matt Carroll
3 to read
Published in
2 min readApr 1, 2017


Compiled by Matt Carroll <@MattCData>

Our country has split into many fragmented communities, with each shouting past the other. So what is the responsibility of the media in creating bridges between these communities, so that civil conversation can replace pointless shouting?

That was the question we asked ourselves when planning our conference “Conversations: New frameworks for public discourse.” The meetup at Northeastern University in Boston, sponsored by the College of Arts, Media & Design, brought together top media experts and academics from around the country, along with more than 150 people, for panels and roundtable discussions. (Full panels, with bios, here.)

These are the results, as seen through the robust Twitter conversation that tracked the panel discussions, as panelists and the audience worked to articulate paths forward. It’s meant to give a taste of what happened, not a with a more complete report coming in a bit.

Opening comments by Jonathan Kaufman, director of Northeastern’s School of Journalism

Panel: True listening beyond the data: Making sure we hear and understand the people behind the numbers

Brooke Foucault Welles, Andrew Heyward, David Lazer

Panel: How to foster reasoned public dialogue on issues of diversity & difference

(L-R) Mary Meehan, Jeff Howe, Sydette Harry, John Whbey

Panel: Preparing journalists to “co-create”: Working with the communities they serve in reporting the news

(L-R) Sangita Shresthova, Ellen Cushman, Sam Ford

Panel: Are we hard wired for hard conversations? Navigating the cultural and neurobiological obstacles to communicating across difference

(L-R) Richard Pinderhughes, Gordana Rabrenovic, Tim Phillips, Rebecca Riccio

… and the conference is over…



Matt Carroll
3 to read

Journalism prof at Northeastern University. Ran Future of News initiative at the MIT Media Lab; ex-Boston Globe data reporter & member of Spotlight