Sweet Home Nashville

Jerry Boak
30 Cups Across
Published in
2 min readSep 4, 2016

Nashville is a town with many faces; music, country, old-school, raucous, churchy, humid. Even though we spent less than 24 hours there, I already look forward to our next visit.

After a wonderful stay with old friends and an inspiring church service, then a delicious lunch out in the Franklin area, we went searching for some coffee to energize us for our drive over the mountains toward Greenville, SC. On good advice from our lunch partner Ginny, we stopped in at a quaint coffee place called, unassumingly, The Coffee Place.

Located in a small cottage near the center of town, the nicely decorated coffee shop had plenty of tables for hanging out, and a cheerful staff, not to mention a full compliment of coffee drinks and baked goods.

I ordered a couple of iced coffees and some cookies for the kids. Everything was great, and set us up for the five hour drive ahead of us. What I enjoyed most was the feeling that I was hanging out in someone’s cute, old house; a wonderful thing after being on the road for over three weeks. Thanks to TCH for making me feel at home! Now, on to North Carolina . . .

To learn more about our thirty day adventure across America, check out our other publications WHERE DO WE FIT IN? and BEST (HEALTHY) ROAD FOOD.



Jerry Boak
30 Cups Across

“Where do we fit in?” One interstate at a time . . .