Thirty Cups Challenge

Jerry Boak
30 Cups Across
Published in
1 min readAug 2, 2016

Here’s the thing. I LOVE COFFEE. The very hint of its aroma is energizing; the first tentative sip can transport me. As it calls my brain neurons to attention, a calming yet frenetic optimism creeps into my day; and I’m ready to go.

My wife Katharine and I spend a fair amount of time each morning trying to get our first cup of the day just right. We’ve ordered beans from across the country, tried various brewing implements to ascertain the best method for the tastes we desire. I devoured James Freeman’s book on how to make, in his mind, the perfect pour-through. So when we came upon the crazy idea of driving around the country for thirty days with our two small children in a cramped decade old Acura, one of my first thoughts was: what will we do about coffee?

Since we decided not to hit any fast food joints along the way, Starbucks (#2 QSR in the country) and McDs (for numerous reasons) where completely out of the question. So our challenge became: Thirty days in a car searching for the best coffee we can find. We hope you’ll follow along as we drive around America, drinking, commenting on, photographing, and yes . . . enjoying, one cup at a time.

Our adventure begins today! Stay tuned —



Jerry Boak
30 Cups Across

“Where do we fit in?” One interstate at a time . . .