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The middle of the night duvet fight

30 day sleep challenge day 29: Scandinavian sleeping — 2 duvets, 1 bed

2 min readMar 3, 2016



There are positives and negatives to bed sharing. The supposed health benefits of sleeping with a partner include feelings of safety and security, lower levels of stress hormones and a boost of oxytocin, the love hormone known to ease anxiety. However, there are also some major negatives. Snoring aside; disagreements on sleeping temperatures, incessant moving and duvet greed have a major influence on the quality of our sleep and in some cases relationships.

image via pinterest

One simple way to solve this middle of the night duvet fight is to adopt the Scandinavian way of sleeping and each have your own. Getting two separate duvets will change your life, your duvet means your rules.

It’s a very simple adaptation to make; you will still have one fitted sheet but each of you will have your own twin size duvet. If you are worried about the aesthetics or what people may think, use the same bedding for both duvets and cover the bed with a blanket or cover so it looks ‘made up’ during the day .

image via pinterest

Give it a go, you won’t regret it.

