30 Day Challenge — Submitting 30 Articles In 30 Days

This won’t be easy, but I love a good challenge

Nathalie Saint-Clair
30-Day Challenge


Photo by the blowup on Unsplash

The Challenge Within The Challenge

The challenge is 30 articles in 30 days. I’ve seen this idea floating around Medium and I never thought I would try it especially not right now when I’m already in the middle of another challenge. That’ll be a story for a different day. I’ve already planned to contribute two or three articles related to that challenge.

The reason I was sure I wouldn’t do a challenge like this is because I’m terrible with time management. I’m fairly certain I have ADD, something I figured out in college but can see evidence of it throughout my childhood. In 2nd grade, my teacher literally put my desk next to hers and put a cardboard divider around my desk so I’d be less distracted. This just meant more trips to the bathroom. In 4th grade, my teacher would constantly tell me I was going to be late for my own funeral because I was always the last one to finish my work.

It took me a while to put it together, but looking at the whole picture of me then and me now, it all makes sense. As an adult my symptoms include a short attention span, being very disorganized, always starting and stopping tasks, and frequently late or running late to be anywhere. As I mentioned…



Nathalie Saint-Clair
30-Day Challenge

A teacher/writer who is finally getting her shit together & taking this writing thing seriously. Follow my journey to becoming a published author & other stuff!