A 30-Day Writing Challenge of a Different Sort

A writing fast, if you will…

October J.
30-Day Challenge


Photo by Charles Etoroma on Unsplash

Today’s 30-day challenge is one of a different sort. This is not going to be about the number of articles or publications. It’s going to focus on the topic.

After weeks of reading non-stop articles raking Medium over the coals (some of which I contributed to), I decided to start a 30-day challenge with a different focus. I’m going to do a 30-day writing challenge “fast”.

Here are my rules for this challenge:

1. For the next 30 days, I’m going to ensure that every article I publish has nothing to do with:

  • Writing on Medium
  • Medium’s policies
  • The Medium’s Writers Challenge Contest
  • Medium earnings and payouts

2. This challenge has nothing to do with writing quantity. I aim to publish 2 articles per week minimum in general, but the goal is not to publish daily nor focus on the number of articles. As part of NaNoWriMo, I’ve already pledged to write 50,000 words this month, so I don’t need another quantity challenge on top of that.

3. Posts cannot be tagged with anything related to Medium, either.



October J.
30-Day Challenge

🌷 Fiction author 💍 Wife 🎓 MBA 💾 Gen X 🌈 LBGTQIA+ friendly 🐶 Vegan ✍🏻 Published