I Promise to Do My Best

It’s not worth doing unless I’m scared — really and truly terrified

Louise Foerster
30-Day Challenge


Photo by Mia Anderson on Unsplash

I was three years old when I learned a truth that has never steered me wrong. Whatever choice I face, it’s always gone better for me when I take the path that scares me most.

My tricycle was shiny new, bright red promise of adventure. We lived on top of a mountain. Every day, I sped up and down that quiet suburban sidewalk, getting off to push my bike up the steepest part.

I sat on my tricycle. I clutched the thick, pristine white handlebar grips. The seat was firm and comfortable and the foot pedals were just right.

The choice was clear: get off and push my bike up the steepest part OR ride it all the way up and conquer the sidewalk.

The first section was tough going, but I kept at it, thrilling at riding like the big kids did. Later, the sidewalk pavers pitched upward. I felt like I was climbing a rock wall on a bike. Soon it felt impossible to stay on the bike, keep going forward, and not roll backward.

I knew I could get off anytime, but I refused. Even as my muscles howled and my vision blurred, I would not give up. Finally, reaching the summit, I rolled into our driveway. Shaky-legged, I stumbled off my tricycle in sweaty, panting triumph.



Louise Foerster
30-Day Challenge

Writes "A snapshot in time we can all relate to - with a twist." Novelist, marketer, business story teller, new product imaginer…