I Published More Articles in 70 Days Than The Previous 180

And how you can do it too without burning yourself

Niharikaa Kaur Sodhi
30-Day Challenge


Photo by Pavel Danilyuk from Pexels

As a new writer, you read about people writing and publishing an insane amount of articles and promoting volume. Then, they tell you this is the only way to become a writer. But you and I both know it's difficult.

Does writing more work? Yes.

Does quantity lead to quality? Mostly.

Does it mean you write 20 articles a month? No.

Why? Because you’ll start disliking writing and will burn out.

Think of a child learning how to swim. Doing a 200m swim makes them a splendid swimmer, but to reach there they’ll have to warm up, practice, learn techniques, and apply them each day. Then, after lots of practice, they’ll be able to swim 200m more swiftly.

But if you tell them to swim 200m right away, they’ll get tired and frustrated and may not even want to return for their next class.

So would you rather be in the first position or the second one?

As I type this, I have published 106 articles on Medium… out of which I published 37 total March and April 2021 + 10 in May (its 11th May as I type this).

