My Challenge is Over — How Did I Do?

Amanda O’Bryan
30-Day Challenge
Published in
3 min readJun 13, 2021


I give myself a solid C+

Photo by Jamie Street on Unsplash

Last month I got very excited about doing a 30-day writing challenge. I saw it not only as an opportunity to get back into the writing habit but also as a way to overcome my perfectionism. Did I succeed? Kinda. Was it worth it? Absolutely.

I started out strong, writing and publishing every day for the first week. Then I missed a couple of days, went on and off for the next week, and fell off after that. All told, I published 12 pieces.

But, I knew I’d probably struggle, and hitting the 30 mark wasn’t entirely my goal. Here were the three goals I listed:

  1. I want to get back into the writing habit — This definitely worked! I started writing again, getting new ideas and finding inspiration everywhere. What I found was that a daily writing habit is really important for me to keep up the momentum. But, the publishing every day was too much. Because of the second goal.
  2. I want to hone my ability to write about topics I’m passionate about — What I mostly realized during this challenge is that I like to…

