Submissions Closed

We are closed to new submissions

Catherine Mancini
30-Day Challenge


Photo by Fabrizio Conti on Unsplash

UPDATE JUNE 2023: We are now closed for new submissions. Thank you to all the writers who have contributed to the publication over the years.

Original submission guidelines for reference only:

This publication is for pledge posts, results write-ups and tips for any 30-Day Writing Challenge.

The Challenge was originally created by David Majister and you can view his original pledge post here:

What is a Pledge Post?

In your pledge post, you share:

  • Why you have chosen to do a Medium challenge
  • What you’ll be doing during your 30-day writing challenge
  • The rules of your challenge- how many articles/publications etc
  • What you hope to achieve from the challenge. Make your goals specific
  • There is no need to link directly to David’s original pledge post
  • Please tag ‘Pledge Post’ and ‘30 Day Challenge’

