Day 25: Four weird traits you have

30 days of writing challenge
2 min readDec 26, 2019

I talk to myself. A lot. Like I have full blown conversations with myself. I might see a social issue on TV or on Twitter and if I don’t have anyone to discuss it with, I’ll talk to myself. If someone annoys me and I have no one to rant to, I’ll talk to myself. If I need an extra push to do something, like remember to keep up with this challenge. I talk to myself.

I write down notes for almost everything. I’m one of those people who buys a textbook and copies majority of that textbook into a notebook so I can understand what half of the textbook is talking about. I think it’s an old habit from copying so many pointless notes in secondary school. So now if I don’t at least type up notes on important things, there’s a high chance I’m not going to remember any of it.

I don’t reread my books. I simply can’t do it. Why would I? I already know what the happened in the book. The element of suspense and surprise is gone so I just feel like there is no need. On the other hand, I re-watch movies ALL THE TIME. I guess I get so much more from movies; the cinematography, the music that build up a scene, the emotions on the actor’s faces. That’s something that never gets old. It’s just not the same for books.

At every given moment, there are a set of books by my bed side. Currently I have a Bible, two novels, a questionnaire book called “1000 questions about myself”, a used notebook, Korean textbook and workbook. You already know what the Bible is for. The Korean books are because I’m learning the language. Obviously. The two novels I have are “The Problem of Pain” By C.S. Lewis and “Born a Crime” by Trevor Noah. I started out with the first book but I’m struggling to get through the chapters because it’s so philosophical. Sometimes, I end the chapter thinking “What did I just read?”. I’m almost done with the second one though. It’s a great read. Highly recommend. I’ve been on and off with the questionnaire book. I was supposed to finish it by the end of this year but that is definitely not happening. The question I’m at now is “534. What eats up most of your time that you’d like to change?”. The notebook was from my freshman year in college. I used to write everything in it. To-do lists, grocery lists, study notes,personal notes, stories I started but never finished.



30 days of writing challenge

Working on being more intentional about my hobbies, which includes writing, so I’ll be documenting what I am able to come up with from time to time. Enjoy!