Day 30: One thing you’re most excited for

30 days of writing challenge
2 min readDec 31, 2019

And, the winner for finally finishing this challenge even though these last few days have been a battle, goes tooooo……

**** Overwhelming applause *****

Wow. I have no words guys. No words. First of all, I’d like to give a shout out to all the baby boys and baby girls that have been following me on this challenge. This has been a lovely experience. Writing everyday. Writing even when i didn’t want to write. It’s been great. I’ve learnt a lot about myself. It’s been such a long time since I exercised my literary skills and some of the things I wrote in this challenge really surprised me. I write better than I give myself credit for, and hopefully you’ll see more of me on this platform. Sharing stories that play out in my head. Giving opinions that nobody asked for. Things like that. I appreciate everybody that messaged me on other platforms, telling me they’ve been following this. That was really encouraging. And a special shout out to an old friend who became a new friend and encouraged me to take up this challenge. Thank you.

Oh wait, Something I’m most excited for? Well, I’m excited for all the other hobbies that I’m going to explore moving forward. I met someone this year who really showed me the importance of giving your interests a chance in your life. He was so good at so many things. Not perfect, but still pretty good and I really admired that. I’m usually a huge proponent for being specialized in one field. I still am. But sometimes that prevents me from exploring other interests because I know I might not be a professional in any of them; “Why learn Korean? It’s not like you’re going there any time soon”, “Why write so much? It’s not like you’re going to be a writer”, “Why take all these pictures? You’re not a professional photographer or an influencer”. I told myself those things. But after meeting this person, I realized that sometimes you just being interested in that thing is enough. It doesn’t always have to always lead to a career path (even though that would be awesome) but if you like something, just do it. If it doesn’t work out, at least you’ll have a great story*.

Or not 🤷🏾‍♀️. At least, you tried.

Anyways, it’s been real ✌🏾

*paraphrased from my wise friend Isu



30 days of writing challenge

Working on being more intentional about my hobbies, which includes writing, so I’ll be documenting what I am able to come up with from time to time. Enjoy!