Go to 30 Days of…
30 Days of…
What happens if you focus on one habit you want to start (or one you want to stop) for a full month? How does the change affect your attitude and behavior? How does it affect your life and the lives of those around you? Check in here to find out!
Note from the editor

What happens if you focus on one habit you want to start (or one you want to stop) for a full month? How does the change affect your attitude and behavior? How does it affect your life and the lives of those around you? Check in here to find out!

Go to the profile of Lisa Stammer
Lisa Stammer
Writer. Editor. Mom. Wife. Wisher. Dreamer. Grateful for all I have received.
Go to the profile of Lisa Stammer
Lisa Stammer
Writer. Editor. Mom. Wife. Wisher. Dreamer. Grateful for all I have received.