Digital Ocean, Ubuntu, Laravel

30 Days to a Better Developer
1 min readOct 9, 2014

I decided to tackle setting up my own VPS yesterday. I went with Digital Ocean,, and was able to get an account in about 10 minutes. That’s where the easy part of getting my own VPS essentially ended. The rest of my experience isn’t exactly diffcult, but it sure taught me alot. I am now dangerously proficient in setting up and destroying a Droplet (term that Digital Ocean uses to describe the VPS instance). Its really easy to delete an instance.

After 2 days I was able to setup Laravel on the server. I used the following information. It was 99% spot on.

What I learned about Ubuntu was not very much. I can see that certain things are different between Linux/Unix distros, but so far I have been exposed to very little. But just having to navigate around the server, updating or installing libraries, and setting up SSH was a great to boost my overall knowledge. That’s 2 days. Of course, I was exposed to it from another job, but that was a crash course. The past few days has felt like true learning.

More to come.



30 Days to a Better Developer

It would be nice if life were nice and neat. Things in its proper place at all times. But then it would be boring.