Day 12: Why do we fear life, love and everything?

Matjaž Šircelj
30 days writing challenge
2 min readDec 11, 2016

We have a hard time making decisions, because we are afraid of bad consequences if we make the wrong ones.

We feel superior, because we are afraid people will see we are just like everybody else.

We strive for success, because we are afraid nobody will like us.

We strive for perfection, because we are afraid we’re not good enough.

We are addicted to news, because we are afraid we’ll miss something out and they will forget about us.

We stay in bad relationships, because we are afraid of being alone.

We are always smiling, because we are afraid people will see the truth that we’re crying on the inside.

We act like we got out life together, because we’re afraid everything will fall apart.

We procrastinate, because we are afraid of the future.

Fear is guiding our lives, because we let it. We focus on what we fear instead on what we love. What would our lives be like if we focused on Love?

We would accept the consequences of our decisions. Everyone makes mistakes. Sometimes we do things right, sometimes wrong. It’s life.

We would accept we are basically like everyone else. We are all born helpless and through life we aim to help ourselves and others.

We would love our talents, create our lives based on what we love and we would find our true selves. Success would become a byproduct of our passion for work.

We would love our creations, being perfect with all the imperfections. Nothing is perfect in life.

We would love our free time. We would spend it with books, in nature, experiencing life and having the time of our lives.

We would be with people we love. We would spent time with people who respect us, motivate us and bring smile on our face.

We would cry and smile with our family and friends. We would express our emotions to people we love.

We would ask people for help and we would get help. We would do things together.

We would live, love and work in the present moment. We would learn from the past and we would look forward to the future.

“Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.”
― Helen Keller

There are always many reasons to be afraid. And for every reason to be afraid we can find a reason to love, to boldly accept the challenge, to live an adventurous life and to be true to ourselves, our loved ones and to society.

Choose Love.

This post is a part of my 30 Days Writing Challenge. Wanna join me? ;)

