Day 18: Show the fuck up!

Matjaž Šircelj
30 days writing challenge
2 min readDec 17, 2016

It’s so easy to wait a little longer for the perfect gig, the perfect business, partner and the perfect love. All it takes is a little push on a snooze button, a little text saying you can’t, a little email to postpone the meeting.

Our favorite blanket is so cozy, so warm, so soft. Only a fool would live it lying alone on the couch and going out on a cold.

Waking up early in the morning is hard, makes no sense and really, who wakes up before six in the morning?

Having one more drink and talking a bit more is so not interesting as is your new tv series you found your ex liking on facebook.

Sitting in front of your computer, thinking about what to write on a blog you promised you would write every day for 30 days… stupid, really, who even reads this?

How many times have you thought exactly the things I wrote? How many times you pushed your snooze button? How many times you texted to cancel a meeting, a drink, a date? How many times you chose another episode of your favorite tv series instead of taking a shower and going out on a party?

How many times you missed out on you life?

How many times did you miss your perfect love because you texted and canceled a party? How many times you missed a business who would pay all of your bills and enable you to travel the world?

How many times you’ve broken a promise to yourself?

How many times were you like someone you hate, lazy and exactly like someone you promised you would never be?

How about just getting up, going through a meeting you so reluctantly postponed to tomorrow? How about you stopped being such a lazy bum? How about if you would only stop that and show the fuck up?!

Maybe then you can find the things, people and life you are searching for. So show the fuck up, wake up, get out there and stay for another coffee.

You never know, your perfect life may arrive in just another minute!

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This post is a part of my 30 Days Writing Challenge. Wanna join me? ;)

