Day 20: What moves you?

Matjaž Šircelj
30 days writing challenge
2 min readDec 19, 2016

“Beauty of our soul shines through the cracks in our shell.”

Why did you cry the last time you let your tears just pour down your face? What touched you so deep you couldn’t stop emotions breaking your shell? Was the pain burning inside you? Was it the beauty who kissed your inner child and hugged her or him for all the sad moments in life?

We are judged by the society when we show emotions, but only by expressing our emotions we show the world who or what we truly are.

Why do we hide the sides of our soul that make us who we are? How did we let society place such constrains around our heart and our lives? And what do we need to do more to break our shackles and free our soul?

There’s a lot of good advice on personal development, on achieving dreams, on following you passion and reaching your potential.

One of the questions I’m thinking about lately is:

What moves you?

What really moves you, moves us? Something that elevates your heart rate, makes you forget your surroundings, makes you cry or inspires you do act?

I consider this thinking really questioning my soul. Looking for deep clues on my true Self.

Music moves me. A beautiful piece of sound that breaks every glass ceiling above my head. Voice of an angel that touches my soul so deeply that tears pour down like a midsummer rain.

Beautiful nature or just nature photography move me. Amazing landscapes, flowers in thousand colors, untouched wilderness, the astonishing power of nature.

Wisteria Tunnel at Kawachi Fuji Gardens, Japan

Watching the underdog on tv show win. Finding out your friend got a great job. Admiring daredevils and seeing people achieve their dreams.

Children. Their innocence, purity, honesty. If we all listened to them more often, we would learn again the ways of angels. And we would find truth, hope, beauty and freedom in our ways of life, love and happiness.

Sad events and stories move me. Sometimes I can help, donate, or volunteer. Sometimes they are far away and I can only pray.

This world moves me. From the saddest things going on right now to the most beautiful proofs that life is worth living.

Optimism moves me. And it should move all of us. Optimism to be hopeful that life and world can get better. Optimism to inspire us to act when and where we can. Optimist to give us strength to continue and never give up.

“While I breathe, I hope.”

This post is a part of my 30 Days Writing Challenge. Wanna join me? ;)

