Day 24: Know thyself

Matjaž Šircelj
30 days writing challenge
2 min readDec 23, 2016

Everyone is looking for something in their life. I don’t know anyone who is just content with their situation. Even the monks are on the quest for enlightenment, the rich want their privacy back, the poor want the riches.

It seems we’re all looking for something we don’t have. We crave for the unreachable. We want a good job, but we want freedom also. We want to travel, but are afraid of getting lost. We want to get married, but are not ready for a commitment. Yet we still want all of those greener pastures on the other side.

It also seems that we all share some common things we aim for. Happiness, joy, peace, love, success, money. The reason there is so much dissatisfaction, I think, is inside of us. I think we’re mostly unable to define what we want. We are unable to define what is that “something” that’s gonna make us happy. The other reason is we want the wrong things.

But maybe our holy grail of happiness lies somewhere else we don’t look for. Maybe we are afraid to look, or maybe we looked and found, only to discover it will not go well with others in our family or community. I agree with Jim Carrey, who says, “I think everybody is looking for something they already have”. But that something is not in material form, but in our originality, in our soul, in the answer on who we really are.

“I think everybody is looking for something they already have” — Jim Carrey

I once tried to imagine myself, what my perfect community or a tribe would look like. And I found that I was on the train with creators, writes, storytellers, artists, photographers… I was surrounded with people who use their imagination to create something amazing that inspires others. I found that my quest is for something original, beautiful, true, hopeful and optimistic.

Matrix: Temet Nosce. “Know thyself”

I think the world could be a better place, it could be a very beautiful place, if we would only try to reach our potential. And to reach our potential, we must first know ourselves. And to know ourselves, we must be brave enough to start a quest of finding our origin, our source and our true Self.

This post is a part of my 30 Days Writing Challenge. Wanna join me? ;)

