Day 29: Follow your Lifestyle, not passion!

Stop trying to find your one and only passion and find all the things you love doing.

Matjaž Šircelj
30 days writing challenge
3 min readDec 28, 2016


A lot of articles and life coaching books were written in the last years, dealing with the subject on How to find your passion, calling, ideal job, etc. I was one of those people who tried to find my passion, my calling, my ideal job. And the more I found one thing, the less I was really sure it’s the right thing.

The last month was even more intense in thinking about this subject. Every day, when I was trying to find what to write about, I found myself daydreaming about the perfect thing for me, perfect job, career, an ideal work that I would love and call it my passion.

It turns our I have a lot of thing I love. I can call myself a multipassionate person. I’m very curious. I like people. Well, at first at least. I love travel. Sailing. Hiking. Writing. Photography. Philosophy. Eastern teachings. Social gatherings. Nature. Space exploration. I wanna go to Mars. Aaaaaaa! So. Many. Things! I can’t fucking decide. And I know myself, I get bored with the same thing doing it over and over in the same place. Well, I don’t get bored of sex, only work related things.

So, what now? Should I give up on finding my passion or is there any other way?

The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind…

What if I can live a life that can allow me to do all these marvelous things (except for the Mars journey, maybe, let’s be honest here), support me and support my lifestyle? Hey there, did I just say that magic word? Lifestyle?!


I don’t know about you, but I’m sick and tired of trying to figure out my one true calling, my passion, my pleasure, my thing.

I want to have a lifestyle with all the passions and pleasures I can imagine. And believe me, I can imagine a whole lot. My imagination (yours also, my friend) is limitless. Repeat after me:

My imagination is limitless!

So why should I limit ourselves in one thing only? I’m just gonna find a lifestyle that can treasure my imagination, that can allow me to explore the world, to take pictures on the other side of the globe and write about experiencing different cultures all around this beautiful paradise called Earth.

Be curious!

World today has so many possibilities. So I can have a lifestyle I want, I can support myself and I can enjoy the world. I can become a digital nomad, travel writer, creative explorer, lifestyle entrepreneur or traveling Buddha, as long as I follow my heart, endless curiosity and listen to my inner child to guide me through this short experience called Life.

This post is a part of my 30 Days Writing Challenge. Wanna join me? ;)

