Exercise #1 (of 30): Big ‘Important’ Stuff? Put Them Aside for 7 Days

Overcoming the initial resistance to lose something that seems important

Melvin Yuan
30 Decluttering Exercises to Prep for 2018
1 min readNov 25, 2017


Think of 10 things that consume most of our time, attention, energy and resources (including money and physical space).

These ‘things’ could be work/projects, hobbies/leisure activities (i.e. TV), habits (i.e. spending extended time reading social media news-feeds), and even some non-core relationships.


  1. List them (write/them them down… don’t just think about them)
  2. Beside each item, state how much time/space/energy etc… we spend on them.
  3. Create a simple table — listing the benefits and cost of ‘maintaining’ each of those things in your life.
  4. Now — put them aside for the next 7 days. If it’s something you’re working on, stop working on it for the next 7 days. If it’s a physical possession, don’t throw it way… instead, put it in a box, out of sight.

Why? Because it can be scary to simply drop something that’s important (or seems important), and that’s already ever-present in your life. It’s less scary to put it aside for a short while.

During the next 7 days, you can observe the effect of not having those 10 things in your life.

And perhaps — you can discover that completely dropping/trashing/ending one or more of them… can free up space (time, energy, resources — i.e. money and physical space) for new or more important things to exist and to flourish.

