Exercise #7 (of 30): Create a Model

Create a model of a clutter-free zone… then replicate the same clutter-free experience in other aspects of your life.


To create a minimalist, clutter-free life, you’ve got to know what the payoff is.

You’ve got to really know the payoff; and to be reminded of its impact. Unfortunately, it’s easy to forget, and articles don’t do a good job at reminding us.

That’s what this exercise is all about — creating a perfect model of clutter-free existence in your life/home/office… a space (not necessarily physical) that enables you to truly experience clutter-free living.

For me, it’s my desk.

While I feel my Inbox, To-do Lists, mobile phone screen etc. are often cluttered…… my desk is a perfect experience of a clutter-free zone.

And because it’s such a powerful, visual/experiential example for me, I am constantly compelled to make the rest of my life as free of clutter, as my desk is.

