
Félix Saparelli
1 min readApr 29, 2015


This was originally written with a lot more whitespace: original.

Hold steadfast, friend


against hordes
against the very wind
— rolling off mountain peaks
against the rain
— the storm
— thunder
against me and you
against the world
against faces
against all

Hold, friend, hold

onto the sunshine
— bright in the valley
onto the morning after
— the evening before
— the night during
onto me and you
onto your wits
onto life

Hold, friend, hold

me right here
you right there
they over there
and all further away

Hold, friend, hold

your breath
your words
— thoughts
— tongue
your sleepless nights
your presence
your being
your self

Hold, friend, hold

don't forget
— love
— hate
— pain
— joy
— the things you find important
— the people
to smile
to cry
to live

Hold steadfast
— friend
— in this world

