How to stick to your New Year’s Resolution in 2018…

300 words weekly
Published in
2 min readJan 7, 2018

You’ve probably heard or read this somewhere before, but you should know around 80% of New years resolutions fail. As we close the first week of 2018 many people will have already failed to keep their new year’s resolution whilst others are maintaining strong (GO YOU).

Whether you are planning to lose weight, save money or improve your life, I have put together six steps for you to follow and smash in 2018.

1. Make sure it is specific

Bad resolution: I want to spend less money this year.

Good resolution: I will spend £5,000 less in 2018.

2. Make sure you can measure it

Bad resolution: I want to exercise more.

Good resolution: I will exercise 2 times a week in 2018.

3. Make sure your resolution is realistic

Bad resolution: I want to reply to every message and e-mail I get

Good resolution: I will use the commute to and from work to reply to all my messages and e-mails.

4. Make sure it is exciting

Bad resolution: I want to save money

Good resolution: I will save money so I can take a holiday to Bali in December 2018

5. Make sure your New year resolution is recorded

If you don’t write it down then it most likely won’t happen. Write it on your diary, post it on your fridge and pin it to the wall next to your bed. In 2014, I had my new year’s resolution on the wall next to my bed so I would see it every day.

For inspiration watch these kids set their 2018 New years Resolution.

HiHo Kids Share Their New Years Resolution!

Tell us about your New years resolutions!!!

