My April 2016 Monthly Income Report

April’s Overview

Tim Maina
Tim’s 30 Streams
2 min readMay 3, 2016


April was another interesting month. In the wake of trying to get my listings back to where they were, I concentrated solely on Amazon reselling which yielded some decent results. So decent that I ended up with the highest gross revenue number since I started this journey almost a year ago.

In total, I generated $17,488.61 which was equivalent to a +34.28% growth from March’s revenue but a -16.26% decrease in net income.

After wrapping up the iPad development project in March, I decided to take a break from digital services and focus on Amazon partially because I was dealing with some personal set backs and also because I was sort of burnt out.

I also sold a few items on Craigslist…continued effort to clear out my garage so I can have a spot to park my car before this Vegas sun goes full blast!

Anyway, here’s how April really went down…

Income Breakdown

Digital Services$500 (-91.40%)AdSense Revenue from Niche Sites$44.42 (+5.81%)Dating Website Membership Fees$21.92 (+37.69%)Room Rental Income$1,055.24 (-0.94%)Amazon$15,180.80 (+173.46%)$5K Amazon Business System$0.00 (0.00%)Alex & Pike$0.00 (0.00%)eBay$412.23 (-22.65%)Craigslist$270.00 (+270K%)Hot Chocolate Donations$4.00 (400%)

April’s Gross Income

$17,488.61 (+34.28%)

Estimated Expenses

Cost of Goods Sold$6,247.74Web Hosting$62.00Landing Page + Analytics$18.00Email Services$37.00Fees$3,428.06Amazon SEO$50.00Shopify Store Subscription$0.00Shipping & Handling + Shipping Supplies$48.00Advertising$0.00Outsourcing$0.00

April’s Estimated Expenses

$9,890.80 (+150.37%)

Net Income (estimated): $7,597.81 (-16.26%)

Things were really slow until mid month when all of a sudden sales erupted and continued this way until the end of the month. Honestly, I thought I’d have the worst income reports yet instead I got the exact opposite.

Due to running out of stock, I had to drop ship some most of my orders which increased my COGS tremendously. Had this not been the case, I would have had the best month yet because my net income would have been at least a couple thousands higher! Amazon fees still got me though :)

Lesson Learned

“A luta continua, vitória é certa”.

Meaning, “The struggle continues, victory is certain”. It’s so easy to give up in the face of uncertainty but I keep reminding myself that this is a commitment and you simply don’t back down from a commitment- you keep fighting on all fronts!

Thank you for reading, until next month, stream on!



Tim Maina
Tim’s 30 Streams

I experiment & blog about different business ideas and publicly share my earnings with the goal of creating 30 streams of passive income in my 30’s.