My October 2015 Monthly Income Report

October’s Overview

Tim Maina
Tim’s 30 Streams
3 min readNov 4, 2015


I think I’ll start giving my income reports names/themes. October was all about getting creative! With my Amazon account suspended from September, I had to think on my feet and come up with new ways to supplement my income.

I generated a total of $6,866.55 this resulted to a 2% net growth from the previous month. I’m content 🙂 hey, any growth is better than no growth, right?

One thing I’ve learned about myself is that I don’t give up, I get creative!

I was able to launch 2 new income streams the Amazon Business System (aka $5K Amazon Business-in-a-Box) and Alex & Pike an online drop-shipping website that I launched in just one day!

I plan on sharing more on this later this month.

My Amazon account was reinstated on Oct 14th- woohoo! (screenshot) Although really excited, I was very apprehensive (I still am) about starting to sell again that I barely did anything but I’m slowly getting into the swing of things especially with a new group of people to share the information I’ve learned so far! Read to the end to see the name of the group!

Review below to see how the rest of my income streams fared!Watch Full Movie Online Streaming Online and Download

Income Breakdown

Digital Services$2,500.00AdSense Revenue from Niche Sites (screenshot)$100.51Dating Website Membership Fees (screenshot)$61.84Room Rental Income$700.00Amazon$1,509.61$5K Amazon Business System (NEW!) (screenshot)$1,833.90Alex & Pike (NEW!) (screenshot)$160.69

October’s Gross Income


Estimated Expenses

Cost of Goods Sold$780.73Web Hosting$62.00SEM Rush$69.95Email Services$37.00Fees$270.84Facebook Ads$51.10Shopify Store Subscription$29.00

October’s Estimated Expenses


Net Income (estimated): $5,565.93

Lessons Learned

#1 Prioritize Your Health: This report is a few days late because I’m not in the best of health at the moment.

Last month, I pushed my body to the limit (physically and mentally) and over the past week I’ve felt the negative effects. I’ve tried to take it easy these past couple of days but staying away from my computer is killing me! I realize that I had forgotten something that I promised myself not to forget: to always make my health first!

It was #1 on the list on a blog post I wrote a while back 24 Things I Wish I knew Before Starting My Freelancing Business 3 Years Ago.

Health is important, without it there’s no way I’ll be able to achieve any of my goals!

On that note, my workout routine starts today!

#2 Don’t Give Up, Get Creative: Anyone has ever owned a business (even for a day) knows how obstacles always seem to find you. This don’t always go your way as was the case of my Amazon account’s suspension. When that happens, don’t give up! Find ways to get creative.

With the absence of my Amazon revenue, I knew I had to figure out a way to make up for that loss. So, in less than 2 weeks, I put together a business system that should make at least $5K/mo profits for a few of my readers that scooped that offer. It wasn’t something I had planned to do, but when I finally did decide to do it, I put my all to it.

Now, you can find us hanging out on a new private Facebook group called Tim’s 30 Streams Elite where we are helping each other build reliable Amazon businesses! The cool thing about is the members are from all over the world which is pretty awesome!

I’ll keep you guys posted on our progress (without revealing anything they don’t want me to) 🙂

Looking Ahead

Following on last month’s decision to launch my own Private Label (PL), I followed through and as we “speak”, my first product is on it’s way to Amazon, scheduled to reach there on Thursday (Nov 5th) and my other product is on it’s way from China (scheduled to get to me on Friday, Nov 6th).

I’ll keep you posted by the end of this month on November’s report how both those products do.

My other goals include;

  1. Getting healthier.
  2. Contribute to the success of members of Tim’s 30 Streams Elite.
  3. Maintaining my $100/mo AdSense goal.
  4. Continue growing Alex & Pike.
  5. Increase my rental income.
  6. Put out more YouTube videos (please subscribe)
  7. Explore & test new income stream ideas.

Thank you for reading, until next month, stream on!



Tim Maina
Tim’s 30 Streams

I experiment & blog about different business ideas and publicly share my earnings with the goal of creating 30 streams of passive income in my 30’s.