Progress Report: Quick Note on Going MIA

First things first! Happy Holidays!

Tim Maina
Tim’s 30 Streams
3 min readDec 29, 2016


Next, I’d like to apologize for going MIA with no heads up whatsoever! The past 6 months have flown by way too fast for me. But with the year coming to an end, an inbox full of unanswered emails, and a comments queue that keeps getting longer and longer, I figured I’d better break the silence and check in with y’all before it’s too late.

Before I go any further, shoutout to everyone that wrote me genuinely concerned about my well-being.

All is well- thank you!

Next, apologies for leaving you hanging. I have been neglecting all of you and gone back on my word to always keep you posted. There’s a ton of time-sensitive emails dating months back that have gone unanswered. As always, I will make time to respond to each one- there’s a lot so please bear with me.

So where the hell have you been, man?

Short answer, grinding- and no I haven’t given up on my goal to create 30 Streams before August 2017. In fact, the reason I went MIA was to work on that goal- with a strategy switch if you will.

Long version- I temporarily moved to THE Silicon Valley (San Jose, CA) to attend a Software Engineering Immersive Program. I’ve been here since the end of October and have 2 months left in the program.

So far the experience has been amazing!

Software What?

Yeah, I know, it’s something completely different from Business/Marketing/Entrepreneurship that I’ve promoted on this blog so far but hear me out first.

For those that personally know me, you know I’ve always been interested in programming but avoided it because I was never good at Math- or so I tell/told myself. Turns out although Math is important, it’s not all it takes to be a good Software Developer.

The truth is, I’ve been secretly working in tech behind the scenes for a while now but never felt the need to promote this side of me until recently.

On top of that, I’ve also been wanting to grow my skill set but the traditional college route just wasn’t appealing to me especially due to the time I’d need to invest. That’s why I opted for a more non-traditional approach to gaining my knowledge. It’s a huge gamble that has demanded a sizable financial and time investment.

Although still too early to call it, I believe it was the right decision.

The workload is manageable but the speed at which we cover the coursework is insane! It’s exciting and at the same time challenging! I’m surrounded by very smart people from different backgrounds which keeps me on my toes. It’s a humbling and enriching experience to say the least.

The Plan

The plan is to be able acquire a skill set that will enable me to quickly (at my own will) build more robust applications that can be added to my list of income streams. I believe Software is the future, no? I think so.

I’ve made a commitment to myself to find time to keep you guys posted on my progress as well as blog at least once a month over the next two months as well as catch up with all your emails and comments.

Thank you for your patience and support thus far! I hope 2017 is a great year for you! Wish me well.

Stream on!



Tim Maina
Tim’s 30 Streams

I experiment & blog about different business ideas and publicly share my earnings with the goal of creating 30 streams of passive income in my 30’s.