30 Something

Samantha Warady
32 And Single
Published in
2 min readApr 20, 2017

It took me 2 years into my thirties to realize something. Being 30 is awesome! I wish I could tell my “crying on my bed, freaking out about turning 30 and getting old” 29 self to shut up. I was so afraid of 30. 30 is old. This has not changed. I’m older. I’m, like, an adult. Sure I just had cheerios for dinner, but I still pay my own bills. Even my cellular bill!! But, turning 30 was one of the best things that has ever happened to me.

I first realized how awesome it is at a party recently. 2 girl friends of mine and me went to a dance club. It was 90’s theme party and we danced like we were in our living room. We didn’t care who was watching. I was dancing for me and not for a boy who might be watching. I had the best time. And I’m pretty sure we got more attention than my 20 something self dancing.

My friends are better then the ones I had at 20. I know, I know, I met them in my 20s- but, by now, we are no longer just friends. We are family.

I can go to the bathroom in public all by myself. I’m pretty sure this is where I lose any guys who are reading this, but going to the bathroom by yourself is really liberating. My friend was dating a 22 year old(icky, I agree) and she asked if I would come to the bathroom with her. It was cute and obviously my friend still hasn’t heard the end of that.

I am more confident at work. I know how good I am at my job and I know I’m worth the money they are paying me.

I can go out early and get home early and that is amazing! I wish I could tell my 20 year old self: “ Are you nuts?? Who leaves the house at midnight?!”. Going out at 8 PM and coming home drunk by 10 PM is perfect.

Plus, I get to have cheerios for dinner.

