Samantha Warady
32 And Single
Published in
2 min readJan 23, 2018


It took me 33 years and probably something like 20 years of watching every rom-com ever made for it to finally happen. I had a meet cute!

Let me take a step back and say-I HATE dating. I’m nervous, I hate getting to know somebody new, and I hate having to go out and not know if I’m going to have a good time. But I made a decision that this year I’m going to go on more dates.

Sunday came along and a friend of friend wanted to meet up. I knew that this was going no where, so I thought of it as a trial run. A warm up. He is really cute and I’m not nervous cause there won’t be a second date. I was right. He is a great guy and I had a lot of fun. But, if I had to deal with him on a daily basis, somebody wasn’t going to survive.

But something opened up because of that date. It happened Monday evening. I went to the store and was waiting in line to buy my groceries. The tall and handsome guy in the line next to me was waiting too. The guy in front of him was asking about an awards card and it was taking forever. We made eye contact, laughed about it and I paid for my stuff. When I said something to him in Hebrew, he responded with a British accent. Yup, American girl meets British boy in an Israeli supermarket. It’s like Nora Ephron wrote the script of my day. I was dead tired from work and not looking my best, really all that was missing was if I had spilled some coffee on him.

He told me about his horrible day and how he just needed to get out and have a cup of tea(did I mention that he’s British?)and asked if I wanted to come too(I had coffee). Of course I said yes, I’m living out a freaking meet cute!

It turned out to be a lot of fun. We should be in love by the beginning of spring. Does real life come with a montage?

