
Veliana Petkova
320 WRDs
Published in
1 min readNov 11, 2019

Taking this class has changed the way I view rhetoric. I now see that the art of rhetoric is everywhere. I believe I appreciate rhetoric more because I now see how it is applicable in many different fields of communication.

My favorite topic discussed in class is viewing rhetoric in a commercial aspect. Every commercial tries to use a different appeal and it is interesting to see how advertisements try to persuade me to think a certain way and take action. I now can’t watch ads without thinking about what kind of persuasive appeal they are using.

I also really liked the use of rhetoric in the Ted Talks we have watched. I always thought that when watching a Ted Talk, it feels like you are having an internal conversation with the speaker. I now know that this feeling is probably just the effective use of rhetoric in the speech.

Overall, I believe this class has definitely opened my mind up to something I used to overlook. I never thought about the way people are always trying to persuade me and this has helped me see that everyone uses rhetoric. I use it daily and hopefully I am now more persuasive with my use of rhetoric.

