Simplifying Rhetoric

Johana Campos
320 WRDs


You oftentimes hear rhetoric characterized as the language known to persuade. But is it a language? Let me answer that for you, yes and no. Rhetoric is more of a skill, while language pertains to a subcategory underneath ‘skills.’
Let’s take a step back and look at the appeals of rhetoric: ethos, pathos, logos. While you may already know them, let’s take a quick minute to review. Ethos, a way to establish your credibility to your audience. Pathos, the emotion established between author and auditor. Finally, Logos…the logical reasoning.
Now with that established, let’s take a look at James Herrick’s definition of rhetoric, in which he states “study and intentional practice of effective symbolic expression.” Symbolic expression…What do you think of when you hear those two words? Let me help you, again…PERFORMANCE. Now not only do we have language as a subcategory, but also Art. Performance is a sub-sub- category underneath the art. Art in rhetoric is a way to connect without words, as Herrick said “symbolic persuasion.” It can often be seen in readings, paintings, plays, music.
Still not getting it? Let me give you an example, The Christmas Carol, yes the one by Charles Dickens. We see rhetoric used not only as a story, but also the symbolism within the story of the past, present, and yet to come ghosts of Christmas. Not only do the three ghosts appeal to the main character to reflect on his life, but the story also reaches the audience.
Now to the definition from Aristotle we often hear in which he defines rhetoric as “finding all the available means of persuasion.” To break it down, Aristotle is finding a way to shape anyone’s ideas/actions to your own, or at least what you are trying to get across.
So how do both of these definitions of rhetoric work with a broader audience? DIVERSITY. It allows the use of rhetoric in all forms. Whether it be in a song, picture, or politics. When you are appealing to an audience in any way, you are using rhetoric.
Rhetoric does not solely pertain to just the way you utilize language to appeal. Rhetoric pertains to tons of definitions and categories, you just don’t know it, but if you pay close enough attention to it, you may be able to differ it. Then again, if used perfectly…

