An Introduction: Where To Start?

CJ Wilcox
325 Sports
Published in
3 min readMar 27, 2019

Yo! Whats good ya’ll!? For those of you who don’t know who in the world I am, my name is CJ Wilcox. I am a 28 year old professional basketball player, husband, son, and soon to be father! My buddy Craig Tucker who is a writer/editor/podcaster for 325 Sports invited me to do some writing on the new 325 Sports Blog that is starting up. I thought it would be interesting to give it a try and submit some articles to see how it feels. Part of me selfishly obliged because I felt like it would be a good opportunity for me to use this platform as a form of therapy and to also explain more about myself and how sports, specifically basketball, has effected me and my families life. I typically keep things close to the vest and don’t really make my life too public, I really do try though. I want to present a different lens to this choice of career that I decided to go down a long time ago, to help future hoopers who may want to strive for this life. It has effected everyone close to me in many different ways, some good and some bad. I want to give people more of a RAW look into the life of a borderline NBA player who never truly got his shot in the NBA and who has been dealing with injuries for more than 50% of his professional career. Side note: Im still grinding and trying to get back where I feel I belong after a achilles rupture 6 months ago… it’s going well, but leads me to my next point. I want to aim to shed light on the some of the maybe not so glamorous things that people tend to not hear so much about from the outside looking in. Don’t get me wrong, there have been a ton of positives and amazing things that have come from this career that have changed me and my families life FOREVER and I of course want to share those as well.

If there are any questions or stories that people want me to go into further details about just let me know.. You can reach me at my twitter, instagram, or here, I don’t do facebook. I appreciate those of you who took the time to read this post. If you don't hear from me for a while, just know I'm working my ass off….. LATER!

Follow CJ Wilcox on Twitter | @UCjwilcox23W

