4Ocean’s Impact on our Oceans

Jackson Reinhart
340 Degrees Fahrenheit
3 min readDec 6, 2018

4Ocean is a non-profit organization whose mission is to clean all of the plastic out of our oceans pound by pound with the help of donations and sales of their 100% recycled bracelets. At the time of this post, 4Ocean have already successfully taken out 2,322,015 pounds of plastic in only the last two years. You can purchase their bracelets on their site for only $20 and every sold bracelet funds the removal of one pound of trash. Personally, I just bought my third bracelet supporting the declining manatee population along with my signature blue 4Ocean and red overfishing bracelets.

4Ocean’s Signature Bracelet

The beads are made from recycled glass while the cords are made from recycled water bottles. Selling a product that is 100% recycled from most of the plastic and trash they take out of the ocean is a perfect way to fundraise for their mission of cleaning up our oceans. 4Ocean also runs promotional bracelets at least once a month, December’s being dolphins. A portion of the proceeds go towards supporting dolphins, this is the case with all promotional bracelets such as the manatee and overfishing bracelets I own. Other examples of supported wildlife include mangroves, seabirds, and sharks. You can now buy all 12 promotional bracelets for $240. In doing so you’d fund the removal of 12 pounds of plastic while also supporting numerous other marine species.

New 4Ocean Haiti Operation

4Ocean has now turned its attention towards cleaning up Haiti. 4Ocean continues to expand to other locations in the near future such as the west coast and other Pacific Islands. Focusing on specific regions will provide the best results as they will completely clean the entire region allowing Haiti to recover from the pressure of the plastic and pollution. 4Ocean has already cleaned the coastline of 27 countries!

4Ocean’s mission to completely clean our oceans starts by stopping it at the source. They have many clean up vessels going up and down the coastlines to clean any new trash floating in the water. Other boats go out into the ocean to clean up older trash with the goal of cleaning 3,000 pounds of trash per day. With the movement of ocean conservation growing every day, 4Ocean has had an easy time with expansion along with increased sales from their bracelets.

4Ocean Beach Cleanups

4Ocean conducts beach cleanups all over the world in places such as Florida and Indonesia. For USC students, they are planning beach clean-ups close by in the Santa Monica area. I have personally reached out in an attempt to connect USC and 4Ocean through a student ambassador program which they have yet to start but could be developed in the next few years. Reaching out to college students would help spread awareness to the youthful and energetic generation who may not know much about ocean conservation especially those from landlocked hometowns.

