Technology Today: Not All That Bad

340 Degrees Fahrenheit
2 min readNov 10, 2018

In my previous posts regarding technology and human development, I have brought to light a lot of issues and concerns that I have. Most of my posts have highlighted the negative consequences that people, especially people in the early stages of life, face because of the constant attention we as a society take towards technology.

Social media, screen time, and unawareness of the present moment often capture my attention and make me think about how the world would be without it.

I listen to stories from my grandparents, of times in which the technology we see today never existed. These stories make me feel like times may have been better back then. More genuine. More thoughtful. More simple.

Even memories that my parents touch on, that look back to the 1970’s and 1980’s where technology was increasing, but there still seemed to be a stronger human component to the world.

I think I often highlight the goodness of times that had less going on, less needless obligations that I find compelling me in the palm of my hand. But, I have to remind myself that maybe this is not the best way to look at things.

Technology that we have today is really not all that bad.

I think that it is often misused. More specifically, overused. But who am i to claim that this is all bad.

I see my grandparents in there accelerating old age, and how they have the ability to text me and send messages when I can’t answer a call. I see how i can make Uber arrangements so they do not have to drive. And all these things could not be accomplished without the technological advances we have made in recent years.

I see the happiness in my parent’s faces when they connect on Facebook with a friend that they haven’t seen since High School. I see the relief that my Dad feels because he doesn’t have to be at the office as much since he can work from the phone.

Although I think technology today is often mistreated and can bring about problems in development. I can allow myself to take a step back and see the beauty in it. Technology is bringing the world closer together, things once not possible are now possible, and old difficulties are now made simple.


Thats what I was looking for when imagining the lives of people before me. But maybe the complicated essence of technology is actually bringing simplicity, just in a different light.

