Best. Week. Ever.

Sarah McKelvey
36 Degrees North
Published in
2 min readJun 23, 2016

Look mom, I did cool things.

(Jk. My mom probably doesn’t even read my blog.)

But seriously. This was a really good week. Madelein and I got to go to News on 6 so she could accelerate her career as a TV star, we hosted our first big event in our intern series, hung out in our new giant bean bags, toured the Gathering Place construction site, survived a heat index of like 147°, ate some really good free food, and heard from people doing really cool things.

I learned that the long, hard days are the most rewarding. I learned that college students are generally terrified of talking to people they don’t know. I learned I shouldn’t focus on what I’m not good at, but instead focus on how to utilize my strengths at work. And maybe most importantly, I learned that it’s way more fun to do my work in a bean bag instead of at a desk.

It seems like each week gets better at 36°N and I can’t wait for what happens next week.

