Cheap Eats

Sarah McKelvey
36 Degrees North
Published in
2 min readJun 23, 2016

Next week is the second part of our four-part intern series at 36°N. It’s called Love the 918: Eat and is a partnership between 36°N, Project Boomerang, Tulsa Regional Chamber, and TYPros. The event is pretty self explanatory — it’s about good food in Tulsa.

In preparation of the event, I have been creating a “cheap eats” guide to Tulsa. We are making this guide because our target audience is college students (aka poor people who have no money like myself). The hope is that people will get out to these affordable places and experience more of what Tulsa offers.

I knew about a couple of the offerings before I created the guide. I often attend McNellie’s $4 burger Wednesdays and El Guapo’s $1 Taco Tuesdays. But honestly, I didn’t know about a lot of the cool places I was researching. Looking at how all of these restaurants were trying to grow their businesses and engage with the community seemed so cool to me. I fell in love with Tulsa all over again.

It also made me realize how cool the Love the 918 intern series is and why it is needed. Growing up in Tulsa, I noticed there was always a trend to get out. There was something attractive about this big open world of potential outside of our connected city. But Tulsa is changing. Maybe this positive change has been happening longer than I have realized, but there seems to be a new perk popping up every day. And I want to share it with everyone I know at next week’s event.

Also, if you are curious about this cheap eats list I came up with, here it is:

If you know of any other good specials around town, let me know at

PS — Come to Love the 918 every other Wednesday this summer at 36°N and I will love you forever.

