360 views on tech #20

360 Capital
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4 min readMar 18, 2022

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Bpifrance measures the first effects of its DeepTech plan

Maddyness — Arthur Le Denn

Only three years after its launch, the Bpifrance’s DeepTech plan is already starting to bear fruit. This week, Paul-François Fournier, the Executive Director of Innovation at Bpifrance drafted an inventory of the DeepTech plan initiated by the public investment bank and congratulated the increase in business start-ups in the sector, as well as the dedicated fundings.

🔬 Financing, supporting and fostering synergies
With 3 billion euros, the DeepTech plan aims to increase up to 500 the number of start-ups created each year in the field by 2030. Results in 2021 prove the plan is well on its way with already 250 companies created in 2021 (+26% compared to 2020). According to the Executive Director, this proves that young researchers are more and more willing to turn research into venture, fostered by the growing number of university implementing programs and incentives.

Another point to be highlighted: while most digital startups are concentrated in large cities, DeepTech startups are evenly distributed across the country and 80% of DeepTech companies are not based in Paris. This can partly be explained by the creation of Technology Transfer Accelerator Companies (SATTs) in almost all metropolitan areas, which are responsible for identifying technologies from academic laboratories and make ventures out of it.

Bpifrance also recalls that more than a funding role, it also works as a unifier. Indeed, its “DeepTech community”, which brings together 504 startups, aims at encouraging mutual assistance and promoting their visibility.

Investors want a piece of the DeepTech 🔥
Another goal for the DeepTech plan is to have 10 DeepTech unicorns by 2025 and it seems like the market is well picking up with already 5 unicorns to date: OVHcloud, Owkin, Ledger, Shift Technology, Exotec (🔴🟠🟡). Besides Bpifrance’s €375M investment in DeepTech startups in 2021, Bpi also invested €401M in specialist investment vehicles and VC funds are growingly structurating to serve this segment.

All in all, DeepTech is definitely drawing investors attention with a whooping €2.3B funding in 2021, tantamount to a 91% increased compared to 2020, and almost a quarter of the Next 40 now comes from DeepTech.

🔴🟠🟡 At 360 Capital, we hold among our investment thesis a strong emphasis on Deep Tech companies. We are always on the lookout for groundbreaking tech from world-class engineering talents. Our portfolio speaks for itself and we are proud to have been supporting them since day one!

New funds

Startup fundraising & exits

  • Doctolib, the SaaS-enabled marketplace helping users find doctors and make appointments raised €500M, with a €5.8B valuation, overtaking Back Market as the highest valued French startup
  • Akeneo, the Open Source PIM (Product Information Management) to enhance Product Experience raised €122M from Summit Partners, Alven, Partech, Salesforce Ventures and Kima
  • Spacefill, the solution to manage warehousing network as seamlessly as in the Cloud, raised €25M from NGP Capital, Maersk Growth, Eurazeo
  • Liveblocks, the solution helping to create performant and reliable multiplayer experiences in minutes through a set of APIs, raised €4.5M from Atlassian, Seedcamp, Kima Ventures and Boldstart Ventures
  • Rollee, the tool for sharing financial information specifically aimed at self-employed platform workers, raised €4M from SpeedInvest, Seedcamp, 20VC and Business Angels
  • Luko acquires Unkle, the one-stop-shop insurance for real estate

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360 Capital

VC @360 Capital 🔴🟠🟡 X-HEC Entrepreneurs alumna