033 : Traction

365 Books in a YEAR
2 min readFeb 3, 2015

A Startup Guide to Getting Customers


Being an entrepreneur myself and building a product ground up, I understand the importance of a strong customer base.

And to have a good foundation, we had to start thinking and talking to our potential customers quite early on, in fact during the UI/UX design phase.

Sometimes a great PR Campaign will help find a new user base for your product/service.

We use social media heaps to engage with our customer base.

These days online advertising (e.g. SEM, SEO) goes a lot further in being able to target hot leads and increase ones’ brand.

Key Strategic Partnerships also helps with traction.

Traditional Sales is also a winner and be open to new suggestions from your team and test them out in the field.

Keep an eye out for industry forums, trade shows and attend them …so as to push your product and/or service to your potential customers.

Takeaways …

  1. A great product is only as good as the customer willing to buy it.
  2. The rise or fall of a startup is heavily dependent on its customer base.
  3. Start thinking about traction as early as when you’re doing your UI/UX design.

Thanks ….

Blinkist : http://bit.ly/1yzV5o9

Gabriel Weinberg, Justin Mares : http://amzn.to/1zCgLo4

Cheers, PK

Web : http://bit.ly/pk_web | Blog : http://bit.ly/pk_365books | Note : http://bit.ly/pk_note

