044 : Ignorance

How it drives Science

365 Books in a YEAR
2 min readFeb 23, 2015



Scientific Fact — is it an objective truth or a product of human imperfection?

Whilst the grand design of an experiment might be unbiased, the architect behind the design and executor of the design is still a human, who is far from being perfect and unbiased.

Ones’ desire to predict the future can sometimes lead to a faulty forecast. A more real-life example we see every day is our weather forecast — how accurate is this?

One way to avoid major mistakes is to predict future questions and not make huge claims or predictions.

Let’s acknowledge our ignorance, ask questions and open up new discoveries.

I like this statement — Scientific Research starts with Ignorance or at a place where Knowledge is absent.

Not all Ignorance is bliss. Type I a.k.a. Stupidity is when one chooses to ignore facts and logic to maintain their own beliefs. Type II a.k.a. when facts and knowledge is absent.

Solving smaller questions often times help solve bigger questions.

I know this by experience how animals think ‘glimpse’. My dog looks for cues and mirrors what I cue and teach.

Did you know the physics of small and large have two sets of laws. And to help bridge this gap ‘string theory’ was created.

One other gap in neuroscience helps us understand how our memory works.

Here is an interesting trend, the future of education will not be about teaching facts, as they are available a click away. Instead the future of education will be about teaching how to ask the right questions.

Takeaways …

  1. Embrace Ignorance
  2. Ask the right Questions

Thanks ….

Blinkist : http://bit.ly/1w0G11S

Stuart Firestein : http://amzn.to/1ElzFkH

Cheers, PK

Web : http://bit.ly/pk_web | Blog : http://bit.ly/pk_365books | Note : http://bit.ly/pk_note

