Pain-Free Freelancing: The Ultimate Support System for the Solo Business Owner

Helping freelancers navigate the many pain points of self-employment and running a business.

Carter Kilmann
Pain-Free Freelancing


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Running a business is hard.

Running a business alone is harder.

Running a business alone, with minimal or zero experience, is downright daunting.

The third point often describes the life of a freelancer. Even when someone (e.g., me) has experience in an industry and transitions to full-time freelancing, it’s still a huge undertaking. Sure, there’s overlap and familiarity, but the structure of a defined role disappears.

In many ways, freelancing is a lengthy, solitary process of trial and error. Spoiler: expect many hours of trials with lots of errors.

HOWEVER, the learning curve doesn’t have to be too protracted and lonesome.

When my foray into freelance writing began in late 2017, I was fortunate to come across Jordan Markelle’s Facebook group, Writing Revolt, which was not only an ideal spot for networking but also a hotbed for problem-solving. Writers, from anxious beginners to grizzled veterans, posed dozens of questions on a daily basis. Unfortunately and understandably, the group closed its doors, as it…



Carter Kilmann
Pain-Free Freelancing

Corporate banking drone turned freelance writer & editor. I write about personal finance, entrepreneurship, psychology, writing, and spontaneous allegories.