Your Writing Will Drastically Improve if It Accomplishes These 3 Objectives

I rigorously studied successful content to find the answers.

Carter Kilmann
Pain-Free Freelancing
7 min readMar 30, 2021


Source: Canva

Writing requires a lot of self-analysis. During a recent session, I sought the answer to a tricky question: “What differentiates a successful post from a dud?”

I evaluated the work of some of this platform’s most-followed writers (assuming a large following translates to worthwhile and successful content). I also assessed my only two viral pieces. The purpose was to study tone, pace, format, word usage, and overall strategy.

While writing has many components, I determined that the best content does three things unequivocally well:

  1. Entices potential readers with an irresistible headline
  2. Lures readers into the story with a compelling hook
  3. Provides an abundance of value

To help you accomplish these objectives with your writing, I compiled my analysis (with examples) below. I reviewed them in reverse order, which I think better aligns with the typical creative process.

That is, writing the “meat” of an article before the hook and headline.

Provide an abundance of value



Carter Kilmann
Pain-Free Freelancing

Corporate banking drone turned freelance writer & editor. I write about personal finance, entrepreneurship, psychology, writing, and spontaneous allegories.