
Vineet Devaiah
365 days of me
Published in
1 min readFeb 6, 2018

This is a concept I have a love hate relationship with, on one hand I think all advice is based on specific human experience and so completely useless but on the other hand having some context however baseless has some inherent value.

Advice usually falls in two frameworks — to do or not to do. While there is no silver bullet to what the right advice is for any specific situation — I usually bank on the below when I have to make a certain decision.

Whatever you do put all your thought and critical thinking into it as much as your mind can possibly do at that specific instance. Make a firm decision and never regret it.

All my framework of action to do or not to do falls in that.

  • 363 days to go.



Vineet Devaiah
365 days of me

CEO@TeliportMe, son and good friend . Stuff said on twitter do not reflect my true opinion but as my stepping stone to standup comedy