I Don’t Want To Be In Here

Today was the first day of 10th grade. Ten minutes in, I wanted out. Here’s why.

1 min readSep 21, 2013

I just got out of my first summer doing nothing. Well, not exactly nothing, but nothing planned beforehand by my parents. I had the whole summer to myself. My parents think I wasted it.

I didn’t. In the short, sweet months of summer, I matured more intellectually, mutually, socially, ethically, spiritually, and the other -lys than I had during all of grade 8 and 9, including the summers. To me that’s an effective use of my time.

This day will be marked. Wednesday, the 4th of September, 2013. The day I my deathmatch begins with the system that’s degraded and shamed me and left me for hanging.

To be fair with you, I just don’t know. I don’t know why it is that school irks me. I only know that it’s wasting my time, because I’ve found better uses of time.

On Tuesday I went to an interview to get into Bitmaker Labs. If I get in or not is another question, as is how I can get it to work my school schedule. But frankly, I don’t give a damn about school anymore.

I may sound irreverent, but I don’t care. Not the slightest bit. “Show me your friends and I’ll show you your future”. A great quote. My current friends are inadequate in this respect.

