3/365: On Ephemerality of Friendship

Fahd Butt
365 Poems
Published in
1 min readMay 14, 2014

What have you taken from my life
A smile upon which we all dance
What kind of travels have you found
A beginning at a home not of your own

Could you ever be so sure
My voice would be heard all along
From day to every other night
In between all our silly fights

What word would you call it
When our friendship comes to end
Without us knowing that it did
We never paused for a second

But I can’t promise I won’t show
A slow confidence
Of letting you

To fade into the ephemerality
Of all my pasts

Where our talks
Our walks our laughs
Will live their lives
Together at last



Fahd Butt
365 Poems

I try to be a poet, an artist, a photographer, a designer, an engineer. I hope I don't forget to be human.