Recipe #124 Healthy ish Homemade Hot Chocolate 

The lazy stretch continues 

Kelsey Cary
365 Recipes 


I just wanted to sip on some hot cocoa after a long twelve hour day of coffee shop and kids. Instead of consuming copious quantities of sugar at 11pm, I thought it made sense to Google healthy hot chocolate. I found this recipe from some mom blog. I understand that hot chocolate isn’t a challenging or time consuming beverage to concoct, but rather a necessary know how.

I quartered the ingredients as I wasn’t feeding an army of people, just trying to satisfy my own late night craving. It’s kind of fun to make hot chocolate the old fashioned way, on the stovetop. I used unsweetened almond milk, adding mini marshmallows to top the cocoa off. It was a comforting way to unwind and end the day as I curled up on the couch with my journal and sipped on my cup of cocoa. It will definitely become a winter staple.

Takeaways: use real milk next time.

Who sipped the cocoa? Me.

March 24, 2014. Day 123. Recipe #124.



Kelsey Cary
365 Recipes 

High School History teacher. Oakland was home. Now living a semi-charmed life in Charlottesville, Virginia.