Recipe #149 Matzo Veggie Flat

Kelsey Cary
365 Recipes 
Published in
2 min readApr 5, 2015


Attempting to get creative

As Passover continues so does a liberal use of matzo. After the past week, I am over the moon that bread will soon become a staple in the twins’ diet again. Attempting to feed active eleven year olds unlevain after school snacks everyday is rough. They protest in earnest, constantly complaining of hunger. I can’t blame em, but I do love matzo. More for me.

Their mom gave me some to take home (they overstocked this year) and I opted for savory this go around. Instead of making a matzo pizza I sauteed veggies, topped them with a fried egg and hot sauce. YUM. I did not follow a particular recipe, but adopted an open face veggie sandwich recipe replacing bread with matzo.

I halved the recipe, ate one of the fried eggs on the side and added eggplant and broccoli in place of mushrooms.

Who munched the matzo? just me. The twins are not fans of vegetables.

Takeaways: Make Margarita Matzo Pizza Next

April 16 2014, Day 146. Recipe #149



Kelsey Cary
365 Recipes 

High School History teacher. Oakland was home. Now living a semi-charmed life in Charlottesville, Virginia.