Marwan Imam (27 Ramadan/2 July)

Sallie Pisch Photography
366//Days of Music
Published in
1 min readJul 3, 2016
On stage High on Body Fat, January 10, 2013

“It’s always an honour and a pleasure to be photographed by Sallie. She mostly photographs the greats, the real musicians, the ones that toil away on stage to bring us some of the best music in the scene. And then there’s us, a couple of comedians disguised as musicians that sing funny lyrics and parodies. Her lens portrays us as awesome as the other legendary performers she captures so flawlessly, so seeing us in the same light is always a welcome act. This one in particular betrays how hard I’m concentrating to play and sing, clearly a sign of an amateur with no business being on stage yet still am despite that. Thanks for making us look awesome, Sallie.”



Sallie Pisch Photography
366//Days of Music

I photograph musicians. Follow for my 366//Days of Music project, giving you a look into the music and musicians of Cairo.