Decoding Blockchain Layers: Layers 0 & 1. Part 1: Foundations of Blockchain
369X Exchange
Published in
7 min readMay 8, 2024

In the rapidly evolving world of blockchain technology, understanding the layered structure that forms its foundation is crucial for grasping how it enhances functionality and drives efficiency across various applications.

Each layer in a blockchain, like floors in a multi-story building, serves a distinct purpose, supporting the structure above it and defining the overall strength and utility of the entire system.

Initially, attention was primarily on what we now consider Layer 1 — the main platform where transactions occur and data is stored.

However, as blockchain technologies developed, it became clear that a more robust foundation was necessary to improve communication and interaction between different blockchain systems.

This realization led to the introduction of Layer 0, a foundational network layer that underpins all other layers, enhancing their interoperability and scalability.

This article, the first in a two-part series, dives into these foundational aspects, starting from the ground up with Layer 0 and Layer 1.

We will explore how these layers form the bedrock of the blockchain network, creating a robust base upon which additional functionalities (handled by higher layers like Layer 2 and Layer 3) can be built.

These foundational layers are crucial for overcoming the inherent limitations of traditional blockchain models and paving the way for advanced solutions that meet the growing demands of various sectors.

Layer 0 (Network Layer): Understanding the Foundation of Blockchain Connectivity

Layer 0, often referred to as the Network Layer, forms the foundational infrastructure of blockchain systems. Think of Layer 0 as the equivalent to the earth’s bedrock; just as bedrock supports the structures built upon it, Layer 0 supports all the blockchain activities that occur on higher layers.

Indeed, the importance of Layer 0 cannot be overstated. Its primary role is to ensure that different blockchain networks can communicate and work together seamlessly, which is crucial for their interoperability and interconnectivity.

This functionality is fundamental in solving some of the inherent challenges in blockchain technology, particularly scalability. By enabling various blockchain platforms to operate independently and interact with each other efficiently, Layer 0 enhances the overall robustness and scalability of the ecosystem.

To better understand the technologies that operate at Layer 0, you can compare it to the internet’s TCP/IP protocol, which is responsible for directing data packets between networks.

In the blockchain world, Layer 0 technologies perform a similar function but focus on the transmission of data and transactions across different blockchain systems.

Notable Projects Utilizing Layer 0 Technologies:

  • Polkadot: This platform is designed to connect multiple blockchains into a single unified network, allowing them to process transactions in parallel and exchange data with security, accuracy, and speed. Polkadot uses what’s called a “relay chain” to interconnect various “parachains,” each of which can have its own unique characteristics and uses. This structure not only enhances scalability but also ensures that the ecosystems developed on Polkadot can communicate with one another without friction.
  • Cosmos: Similar to Polkadot, Cosmos operates as a network of independent blockchains, which are called “zones.” These zones are anchored to a central blockchain known as the “Cosmos Hub.” The Cosmos Hub maintains the network’s overall security and handles inter-zone transactions through a protocol called IBC (Inter-Blockchain Communication). Cosmos’s architecture allows each zone to retain its sovereignty (i.e., maintain its own governance and operate with its own consensus mechanisms) while still benefiting from the security and interoperability provided by the Cosmos Hub.

By integrating these Layer 0 technologies, blockchain networks can overcome the limitations of operating in silos, paving the way for a more interconnected and scalable blockchain ecosystem.

This foundational layer is what makes the broader applications and advancements possible in higher layers, enabling a diverse range of use cases from financial services to supply chain management.

Layer 1 — The Protocol Layer

At the core of every blockchain system lies Layer 1, the foundational protocol layer responsible for the basic operations that make blockchain a revolutionary technology. This layer is akin to the foundation of a building, critical for supporting every function of a blockchain system above it.

Layer 1 includes the entire blockchain itself, where transaction data is permanently recorded in a decentralized ledger. Its primary responsibilities involve transaction validation, data storage, and consensus mechanisms — all essential for maintaining the network’s integrity and security.

Core Functions of Layer 1:

  • Transaction Validation and Data Storage: Layer 1 processes and validates transactions, ensuring they are legitimate and that funds are available. Once confirmed, transactions are added to blocks; each block is linked to its predecessor by cryptographic hashes, thereby forming a secure and immutable chain. This data, once written, cannot be altered, providing a trustworthy record of all transactions across the network.
  • Consensus Models: The consensus mechanism is a critical aspect of Layer 1, ensuring all nodes in the network agree on the current state of the ledger without needing a central authority. Different blockchains employ various consensus models, such as Proof of Work (PoW), Proof of Stake (PoS), and more. For example, Bitcoin uses PoW, requiring miners to solve complex mathematical problems to validate transactions and create new blocks. Ethereum, while initially using PoW, has been transitioning to PoS, where validators stake their own coins to earn the right to validate transactions and create new blocks.

Real-World Examples:

  • Bitcoin: As the first cryptocurrency, Bitcoin’s blockchain is a prime example of a Layer 1 network using PoW. It’s designed for peer-to-peer transactions and has inspired the development of numerous other cryptocurrencies and blockchain projects.
  • Ethereum: Known for its flexibility and capabilities beyond simple transactions, Ethereum supports smart contracts and decentralized applications (dApps), running them on its PoS consensus model in its recent upgrades.

Despite its pivotal role, Layer 1 faces inherent limitations, particularly concerning scalability and transaction speed.

For instance, Bitcoin can process about 5–7 transactions per second (TPS), and Ethereum can handle around 15–25 TPS — rates significantly lower than those needed to support global financial systems like Visa, which can handle over 1,700 TPS.

These limitations pose challenges for the widespread adoption of cryptocurrencies, especially in scenarios demanding high transaction volumes and speed.

To address these challenges, enhancement layers, or Layer 2 solutions, have been developed to operate on top of Layer 1, providing higher transaction throughput without compromising the decentralized security model. These solutions help manage the load by processing transactions off the main chain, thus improving scalability and speed.

As such, Layer 1 forms the backbone of blockchain technology, setting the stage for more sophisticated solutions in Layer 2 and Layer 3, which build upon this foundational infrastructure to enhance functionality and meet the diverse needs of users across the globe.

The Foundation of Blockchain’s Future

Through our exploration of the foundational layers of blockchain — Layer 0 and Layer 1 — we have seen their crucial roles in establishing a robust and scalable architecture necessary for the advanced functionalities of blockchain technologies.

Understanding these layers is vital not just for developers and investors but for anyone involved in the blockchain space, as these layers ensure the security and integrity of blockchain transactions and set the stage for higher-level innovations.

At 369X, we leverage these foundational layers to develop cutting-edge solutions that meet the dynamic needs of our users and push the boundaries of blockchain capabilities.

Our platform is designed to provide a seamless, efficient, and secure experience, demonstrating how foundational blockchain technologies can drive real-world applications.

Stay tuned for the next installment in our series, where we will delve into Layer 2 and Layer 3. These articles will explore how these additional layers build upon the robust foundation to further enhance functionality, improve user experiences, and facilitate broader adoption of blockchain technology.

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